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FEA Study Abroad Scholarships

Source: Fund for Education Abroad

FEA invests in deserving U.S. undergraduates who are least likely to study abroad. More than 100 volunteer reviewers read applications each cycle. In partnership with them, we consider financial need, demographic factors, unofficial transcripts, and essay submissions to decide our scholarship recipients.

  • Financial Need is determined by the FEA Financial Aid Form we provide. We require applicants to have completed a FAFSA for the current academic year.
  • Demographic Factors that are considered include first-generation college student status, racial identity, and community college experience.
  • Essays & Unofficial Transcript are reviewed for scholarship impact and additional context about the applicant.

Applications close in February each year.

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FEA invests in US undergraduates who are least likely to study abroad. They consider financial need, demographic factors, and academic plan and preparedness to decide scholarship recipients. Demographic factors that are considered include minority background, first-generation college student status, and community college experience. Candidates must be: US citizens or permanent residents, currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a college or university in the US (graduate students are ineligible), and slated for a study abroad program that is eligible for credit at the student’s home institution and lasts at least 28 days in country/countries.